Stacy Stone
Advertising Sales Manager
Cell • 716-640-9403
Office • 716-357-6206 (June–September)
The Chautauquan Daily features a staff of writers, designers, editors and photographers from across the nation who bring expertise in such disciplines as law and politics, medicine, the environment, theater, music, religion and the arts. Both professionals and college interns, the staff embodies a mix of lifelong Chautauquans and people who have admired the arts and community from afar.
The Chautauquan Daily
The Chautauquan Daily serves an area that’s strategically located at the hub of a population center which reaches out to more than 100,000 summer residents and visitors of Chautauqua Institution.
We’re the Official Newspaper of Chautauqua Institution
- Our subscribers and advertisers have access to a daily newspaper that covers a wide range of educationally, cultural and musical events.
- Daily readers receive news and information about local activities and the more than 2,000 scheduled events in nine-week summer session.
- Our daily broadsheet, classified and preprinted inserts offers vast opportunities at local and regional shopping and entertainment centers within a 45-minute drive.
Right for the Consumer
- Published 6 days a week (except Sundays).
- Delivered by carrier and U.S. mail.
- Delivered by 8 a.m. daily.
- Approximately 2,200–2,500 circulated daily.
We’re Read by Many
Those who open the pages of The Chautauquan Daily include corporate executives, business and professional people, government leaders, administrators, teachers and a wide range of visitors in the area.
Summer 2024 Advertising Rates
Documents must be proper dimensions to fit within the columns of the Daily. The maximum height is 21 inches. Width can be one of six options, please build your document around these dimensions.
1 column = 1.833″
2 columns = 3.792″
3 columns = 5.75″
4 columns = 7.708″
5 columns = 9.667″
6 columns = 11.625″
Contract Space Rates: (Non-commission)
• Local Open Rate — $12.83 per col. inch (0–51 inches)
• 52 to 102 inches — $11.38 per col. inch
• 103 to 152 inches — $10.90 per col. inch
• 153 to 250 inches — $10.77 per col. inch
• 251 to 300 inches — $10.51 per col. inch
• 301 to 500 inches — $10.13 per col. inch
• 501 to 600 inches — $9.87 per col. inch
• 601 to 900 inches — $9.62 per col. inch
• 901 to 1500 inches — $9.36 per col. inch
• 1501+ inches —$8.97 per col. inch
Color Rates:
• Less than 50 inches — $72 per insertion
• 51 to 75 inches — $144 per insertion
• 76+ inches — $288 per insertion
All rates are for advertising without guaranteed special position or color. Guaranteed page placement is 15% extra. Sold only on contract and with due consideration for prior advertisers. Total amount of contract due upon placement of ad schedule.
PDF Requirements
Following the specifications below will ensure that your ad reproduces well in the Daily. If you don’t have the capabilities to design your own ad, please come in and discuss it with our advertising manager and our staff will be happy to help you.
If you choose to design your own ad, please follow the specifications below.
Photos: TIFF or high-quality JPEG, CMYK or grayscale; no RGB or bitmap files. 300dpi
Save As: When saving your PDF, always save as “Press Quality” in the Adobe PDF preset drop down box.
Fonts: Embed all fonts and graphics
Marks: No printer marks — these include crop marks, color bars, registration, etc.
Word Files: We can accept MS Word files, but they will be rebuilt by the advertising staff using graphics software to look like your file. If your MS Word file has photos in it, you will need to submit them separately via email. See above specifications for submitting photos.
PDFs: Can be submitted by email to
The Chautauquan Daily Advantage
- Full news advertising
- Solid readership
- Professional staff
- Market penetration
- Each issue lists that day’s events, programs, lectures
- Local real estate listings
Chautauqua Institution Advantage
- Entertainment and shopping, full range of summer accommodations for Chautauqua visitors
- Arts and entertainment events for the entire family
- Summer educational classes and lecture platforms for visitors
- Many youth and recreational activities
Major Transportation Routes
Interstate 90, Routes 394, I-86, 60, 62, 69, 424, 474 & 430. Jamestown, New York, Erie, Pennsylvania and Buffalo, New York airports are accessible.
Spring Community & Business Directory Information
Year-round advertising opportunities are available in our spring Community & Business Directory. These will be mailed to approximately 7,000 Chautauquans (targeting the first week of May); inserted into The Chautauquan Daily on Mondays of every week throughout the summer season; and available all season (while supplies last) to on-grounds accommodations and businesses, substantially increasing the number of impressions for advertisers. A total of 30,000 directories will be printed and distributed. If you are interested in advertising in the Community & Business Directory, email