The Briefly column will appear every weekday and on Saturdays at It is intended to provide space for announcements from Institution-related organizations. If a meeting or activity is featured that day in a story, it should not be repeated in the Briefly column. Submit information to Cloey Olkowski, editorial office manager, at Please provide the name of the organization, time and place of virtual event, and one contact person’s name with phone number. Deadline is 5 p.m. EDT three days before publication.
Literary Arts Contests
Writers of all ages are invited to submit their poetry or prose by Aug. 2 to the writing contests sponsored by Friends of the Chautauqua Writers’ Center. Prizes are awarded in the adult, young adult, and youth categories. For more information and submission instructions, please go to Please direct any questions to
Robert Pinsky Favorite Poem Project
At 5 p.m. EDT Wednesday, July 29, via Zoom, selected Chautauquans will be given the chance to read their favorite published poem and briefly explain why it is their favorite. This event, sponsored by the Friends of the Chautauqua Writers’ Center, is modeled on the initiative introduced to Chautauqua by the former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. If you would like to read at this event, please apply at by Wednesday, July 22 (please note this is a new date). Applications must be submitted online. Questions should be directed to
Virtual Old First Night Run/Walk
Sign up for the virtual “Around the World” Old First Night Run/Walk on Saturday, Aug. 1. Run or walk your own 2.75-mile race course and receive a race T-shirt. Proceeds benefit the Chautauqua Fund. To register for the race, please visit
Smith Memorial Library News
The Smith Memorial Library is now open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EDT on weekdays, and from noon to 3 p.m. EDT on Saturdays. Capacity is limited, face coverings are required, and social distancing rules apply. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult, and computers and office services are available on a limited basis. Enhanced sanitization and book-quarantine protocols are in place, and touchless browsing is encouraged. Safe return bins will be located throughout the Smith. Any transactions will be contact-free, and the preferred payment is exact change. While newspapers are currently unavailable, magazines may be checked out by request. In-person programs, meetings, and food and beverage sharing are not permitted. Remote services continue at and, or by calling 716-357-6296.