The Briefly column will appear every weekday and on Saturdays at It is intended to provide space for announcements from Institution-related organizations. If a meeting or activity is featured that day in a story, it should not be repeated in the Briefly column. Submit information to Cloey Olkowski, editorial office manager, at Please provide the name of the organization, time and place of virtual event, and one contact person’s name with phone number. Deadline is 5 p.m. EDT three days before publication.
Week Five Post-lecture Conversations on the Virtual Porch
Following the morning’s Chautauqua Lecture Series program, join others at 12:30 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, July 28, and Thursday, July 30, on the CHQ Assembly Virtual Porch to discuss this week’s lectures on “The Women’s Vote Centennial and Beyond.” All are welcome. The conversation will be facilitated by Kimberly Hamlin, associate professor of history and American studies at Miami University of Ohio.
Literary Arts Contests
Writers of all ages are invited to submit their poetry or prose by Sunday, Aug. 2, to the writing contests sponsored by Friends of the Chautauqua Writers’ Center (formerly Chautauqua Literary Arts Friends.) Prizes are awarded in the adult, young adult, and youth categories. For more information and submission instructions, please go to Please direct any questions to
Authors’ Hour
Chautauqua authors will read from their work 12:15 p.m. EDT every Thursday on Zoom during Weeks One through Nine. Find more information at Direct any questions to Week Five’s authors are Patricia Averbach (novelist), author of Resurrecting Rain, and Shara McCallum (poetry), author of Madwoman and This Strange Land.
School of Music Piano Program Master Class with Natalya Antonova
At 2 p.m. EDT Tuesday, July 28, on the CHQ Assembly Virtual Porch, the School of Music Piano Program broadcasts a master class with Natalya Antonova.