Set amid a program dedicated to “Eight Billion and Counting: The Future of Humankind in a Crowded World,” Helen Bond will deliver the African American Heritage House’s Week Four installment of the Chautauqua Speaker Series at 3:30 p.m. today in the Hall of Philosophy.
Bond is a University Professor in the School of Education at Howard University and co-chair of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Her research focuses on education as a tool to prevent violent extremism, and she authored UNESCO’s “Teachers’ Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism.”
Violent extremism, she told Howard’s The Dig in 2021, undermines peace and sustainable development, which is “the foundation of the United Nations’ agenda,” she said.
Bond’s work intersects with each of the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals and its Leave No One Behind Agenda, but she specifically focuses on the goals dedicated to quality education and peace, justice and strong institutions.
“Sustainable development refers to living in such a way that everyone has an opportunity to thrive, including the planet, and that cannot happen without quality education and a lasting peace,” Bond told The Dig.
With a Ph.D. in human development and a background in transformative teacher education, education for sustainable development, and peace studies, Bond has served as an expert in these areas in over 20 countries including Austria, Bangladesh, Canada, Cuba, Ethiopia, including the Somali region of Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Liberia, South Africa, South Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom and the United States.
At Howard, she’s the former director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, and sits on the executive council of the Center for Women, Gender, & Global Leadership at Howard