‘New York Times’ opinion columnist Douthat describes modern day’s stagnant economy, path away from it by Max Zambrano on August 13, 2021
Harvard’s Friedman traces history of modern economics, role religion plays by Max Zambrano on August 12, 2021
Benedictine Sister Chittister explains spirituality of work to open series on creating an economy that works for all by Max Zambrano on August 11, 2021
‘New York Times’ opinion columnist Ross Douthat hopes to find middle ground in economic discussion by Max Zambrano on August 11, 2021
Political economy professor Benjamin Friedman to discuss religion’s understated influence in the economy by Max Zambrano on August 10, 2021
International lecturer, award-winning author Sr. Joan Chittister to open Week Seven Interfaith Series on equitable economy by Max Zambrano on August 9, 2021