Week Seven Mystic Heart Leader David Gluck to Teach Hindu and Yoga Meditation by AnaBella Lassiter on August 3, 2019
Week Six Mystic Heart leaders Kim Hehr, Jim Leff to guide self discovery with Kundalini Yoga, Aramaic prayer by Jamie Landers on July 27, 2018
Heritage Lecture Series explores Theodore Flood, the man who put Chautauqua on the map by David Geary on July 16, 2018
Japa meditator David Gluck to continue mantra meditation in Week Nine by Kelly Powell on August 18, 2017
Richard Heitzenrater traces creation of Chautauqua Assembly in Heritage Lecture by David Geary on August 7, 2017
Hebrew Congregation sponsors trip to Washington, D.C. for local Holocaust history class by Meaghan Wilby on July 7, 2017