
Chautauqua Property Owners Approve Street Lighting Proposal, CUD Bond Purchase

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Chautauqua property owners have authorized the Chautauqua Utility District to purchase and replace street lighting currently owned by National Grid.

There were 220 votes — 212 “yes” and eight “no” — cast over the proposal to OK floating a bond of up to $800,000 to be paid over 30 years or fewer.

All CUD projects that exceed $100,000 require a vote by property owners. Chautauquans cast paper ballots between noon and 4 p.m. in the Colonnade Tuesday.

“Basically, it’s fruition of a lot of people’s hard work,” said Bill Neches, president of the Chautauqua Property Owners Association. He was present throughout the day and to see the votes tallied.

The CPOA has been working on the project for several years and has been gearing up for the vote throughout the season. Through information sessions, handouts and word-of-mouth, the CPOA tried to get property owners to make an informed decision.

Neches said it’s been a “labor of love.”

The lights that will take the place of current National Grid lights are a Neri 804 Heritage with a Philips Fortimo LLM linear LED array (for stand-alone posts and lights on arms) and a Cree LED light (for cobra head fixtures).

The contract between National Grid and CUD has yet to be finalized. Neches said the next step is working with National Grid to get a contract that is fiscally sound. With the bond at $800,000 and the time frame, CUD has some leeway, he said.

Rebekah Barnes

The author Rebekah Barnes