
Brick Walk Book Walk


The first-ever Brick Walk Book Walk occurred Sunday June 24 on Bestor Plaza. The new event started at the Poetry Makerspace and ended at the Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall, and was held to celebrate the Week One theme of “The Life of the Written Word.” The Brick Walk Book Walk continues from noon to 2 p.m. Monday June 25.



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Tags : Brick walkBrick Walk Book WalkChautauqua Writers’ CenterLiterary Arts Center at Alumni HallWriters’ Center

The author Abigail Dollins

Abigail Dollins is a rising senior at Western Kentucky University. Abigail is a photojournalist whose greatest passion is creating a platform for people to tell their stories. Abigail has worked for the College Heights Herald and the Paducah Sun. When she’s not taking photos, Abigail enjoys playing guitar and spending time outdoors.