In talk, Morehouse, Emory scholar Franklin offers questions, answers on regaining moral leadership by Max Zambrano on July 13, 2021
Jonah Pesner: Judge righteously, speak up, stand with the poor for economic justice by Mary Lee Talbot on July 13, 2021
Rare and universal: Internationally lauded pianist, Chautauqua favorite Jon Nakamatsu returns for Chopin recital by Max Zambrano on July 13, 2021
With book as thesis, bestselling author Heather McGhee to discuss true cost of racism for everyone by Max Zambrano on July 13, 2021
Virginia Poet Laureate Luisa A. Igloria to speak on historical connection of bodies in poetry by Sarah Vest on July 13, 2021
Repairing the divide: Media studies professor Meredith D. Clark to analyze role of reparative journalism in rebuilding trust by David Kwiatkowski on July 13, 2021
Richard Edelman, creator of eponymous Trust Barometer, opens Week 3 by tracking trends in trust over past 20 years by Nick Danlag on July 13, 2021
Jonah Pesner: Conspire, breathe together; to resist evil, bring hope by Mary Lee Talbot on July 13, 2021