The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton has served Chautauqua as senior pastor in ways that extend far beyond the pulpit. He has been presiding at morning worship, leading tours of Palestine Park and blessing animals in Miller Park. He graduated with the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle Class of 2024.
“As my second full summer as senior pastor is coming to a close, I’ve loved being stopped on the streets by persons expressing their appreciation for this season’s worship and religious programming,” Sutton said. “I’ve also received many helpful comments and suggestions for how to make their sense of wonder and awe here more meaningful to them. I’m already looking forward to the season next year of providing worship and pastoral leadership on these historic grounds.”
Sutton will preach at the 10:45 a.m. Sunday morning ecumenical worship service in the Amphitheater — the closing sermon of the season. His sermon title is “Living Stones,” and the scripture readings are Ephesians 2: 17-22 and Matthew 7:24-29. The Rev. Mary Lee Talbot, Ph.D., will preside. Michael E. Hill, Ed.D., president of Chautauqua, will read the scripture.
“We’ve been blessed this summer season to have had some of the finest, most interesting, and provocative preachers in America today serving as our weekly chaplains in the Amphitheater,” Sutton said. “They varied in age, background, and religious perspectives, but they all helped us to see God’s presence and action in the world through fresh lenses. I’ve been gratified by how fully Chautauquans have opened themselves up to be challenged and ministered to by these diverse voices.”