The devil isn’t in the details, Fr. Richard Rohr says, but in the military-industrial complex and other institutions by Chloe Murdock on August 21, 2020
Fr. Richard Rohr says true evil in the flesh is really rooted in the ego, but it can still be killed by Chloe Murdock on August 20, 2020
Fr. Richard Rohr describes how the world’s systems and communities put evil on autopilot by Chloe Murdock on August 19, 2020
In keynote lecture, Fr. Richard Rohr to explore capacity for evil in humans by Chloe Murdock on August 17, 2020
Fr. Richard Rohr Highlights Need to Work Through Resistance to Live Life with Acceptance by AnaBella Lassiter on July 18, 2019
Fr. Richard Rohr Uses ‘Odyssey’ to Explain Transition From First to Second Half of Life by AnaBella Lassiter on July 17, 2019
Original Blessing and Goodness is the Start of the Story, Says Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM by Mary Lee Talbot on July 16, 2019
Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, to Speak on ‘Intelligent Compassion’ in Lecture on ‘The Resistance’ by Chris Clements on July 16, 2019