Valerie Kaur believes “Revolutionary Love” found in today’s protest movement will allow for US rebirth by Chloe Murdock on August 1, 2020
Author and activist Valarie Kaur to expand on ‘revolutionary love ethic’ in interfaith lecture by Jamie Landers on July 30, 2020
Former Obama speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz to talk rediscovering Judaism in adulthood for Interfaith Lecture Series by Eleanor Bishop on July 29, 2020
Sister Joan Chittister frames the state of inequality today and the roles of women and men to achieve equality by Chloe Murdock on July 29, 2020
Mirabai Starr To Discuss Feminine-Centric Wisdom Across Spiritual Traditions and The Masculine and Feminine Qualities In All Genders by Nick Danlag on July 28, 2020
Joan Chittister To Discuss Global Equality, What Equality Would Look Like And Why It Has Not Been Achieved Yet by Nick Danlag on July 27, 2020