Chautauqua Song Cycle presents snapshot of Opera’s Young Artists as they make sense of unprecedented times by Eleanor Bishop on August 29, 2020
United Nations Association of the USA Executive Director Rachel Bowen Pittman to speak on Americans role in solving global problems for Week Nine Lecture by Eleanor Bishop on August 26, 2020
Summer of CVA Visiting Artist Lectures to end with Hyperallergic editor and writer Seph Rodney by Eleanor Bishop on August 25, 2020
Final Cocktails, Concerts and Conversations with Chautauqua Opera to wrap up virtual season with guest artist Todd Thomas by Eleanor Bishop on August 24, 2020
Bishop Minerva Carcaño to start last week of Interfaith Lectures with talk on the need for ‘beloved community’ by Eleanor Bishop on August 24, 2020
Final Virtual Opera Invasion takes Chautauquans on a trip through the Institution for grand finale by Eleanor Bishop on August 21, 2020
Online CVA Auction takes place of Stroll Through the Arts Gala for virtual season by Eleanor Bishop on August 20, 2020
Cato Institute Chairman Robert A. Levy to discuss the founding fathers’ vision of limited government for Week Eight Lecture by Eleanor Bishop on August 19, 2020
Artist Chris Friday to speak art, bias in education for inaugural Chautauqua School of Art Alumni Lecture by Eleanor Bishop on August 18, 2020
Chautauqua Dance Alumni Daniel Ulbricht and Jacqueline Green return for last Cocktails, Concerts and Conversations of the season by Eleanor Bishop on August 18, 2020
Guest Artist Elaine Alvarez to join featured Young Artists for Cocktails, Concerts and Conversations with Chautauqua Opera by Eleanor Bishop on August 17, 2020
Virtual Open Studios give Chautauquans a peek at 2020 School of Art’s Students and Emerging Artists by Eleanor Bishop on August 14, 2020
Behind-the-Scenes Series to end with in-depth look at production of three 2019 Chautauqua Opera days by Eleanor Bishop on August 13, 2020
Author Kent Nerburn to share wisdom gained from years of working with Native Americans for Interfaith Lecture by Eleanor Bishop on August 12, 2020
Artist Julia Bottoms to talk mural work, representation, for CVA lecture by Eleanor Bishop on August 11, 2020
Daniel Belcher returns to Chautauqua to talk with Young Artists for Cocktails, Concerts and Conversations with Chautauqua Opera by Eleanor Bishop on August 10, 2020