
Barbara Brady Is CPOA’s New President

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Barbara Brady, formerly vice president of the Chautauqua Property Owners Association, was announced as its new president at the association’s annual meeting Saturday in the Hall of Philosophy.

The meeting had a large turnout, which former CPOA President Bill Neches attributed to the vote for Class B trustee in the Chautauqua Corporation meeting in the next hour.

The meeting was convened by Neches, who introduced the CPOA, its board members and other position holders.

CPOA Secretary Debra Dinnocenzo presented the previous season’s minutes, which were approved. She also presented the project of “Living in Chautauqua” booklets designed to help property owners and renters with lists of resources and tips within the community. The booklets were passed out in order to receive feedback from Chautauquans and the books will be revised before being printed and distributed next season.

Area 6 Representative Suzanne Shull presented the elected officials for the CPOA. Brady was announced as president, Jim Vance  as vice president and Jeff Lutz as treasurer. The new area representatives included Linda Turri (Area 2) and Jane Stirniman (Area 4). Shull, Carrie Zachry (Area 10) and Phil Carl (Area 8) will all serve a second term.

Chip Gamble, treasurer, presented the budget updates for the organization. The biggest expenses came from the newsletter, insurance, annual picnic and donations from the CPOA. The net income stated in the printed handout was $3,154.98 within the 2015 year.

Class B trustee James Klingensmith introduced a new survey for property owners. The survey looks at various issues for property owners to provide their input. An email blast with the link to the survey was sent out to more than 1,000 email addresses late Thursday night.

Klingensmith encouraged property owners to complete the survey electronically, but if paper copies are needed or wanted, they can be picked up at the Colonnade or Smith Memorial Library and dropped off in those same locations. The link for the survey is also on the website.

John Dilley, the chair of the CPOA Outdoor Lighting Committee, expanded upon the recent vote to float a bond to purchase and replace all streetlights on the Chautauqua grounds. Going forward, an agreement between National Grid, the current streetlight and electric supplier, and the Chautauqua Utility District must be met and a contract must be signed.

“Hopefully we can get something done this fall and start putting lights in the beginning of next year,” Dilley said.

Jim Lampl spoke on the efforts of the Safety and Transportation Committee, which he chairs. He addressed the efforts of bike safety, speed bumps and work with the safety departments.

About 50 people attended a life safety meeting with fire and police representatives during this season, expanding the committee’s reach beyond what it had been.

Lampl ended his portion on the podium supporting Neches as Class B trustee.

The meeting ended with a Q-and-A session. Chautauquan Selden Campen asked if CPOA meetings could remain on Saturdays as they had in the past.

After the board of trustees open forums were moved to different days of the week throughout the week, the CPOA decided to move its July general meeting. Neches said the dates of upcoming meetings would depend on the board’s plan for future open forums and conversations of the CPOA.

Rebekah Barnes

The author Rebekah Barnes