Violinist Alex Tonno looked out on the audience before he played part of Beethoven’s “Spring Sonata.”
It wasn’t a typical crowd of concertgoers, nor was it in the Amphitheater or recital hall. Instead, he played to a group of 6-year-olds at Children’s School.
This season, Music School Festival Orchestra students have gone to Children’s School once a week to teach kids about different instruments. Children’s School will continue that exploration of music today with woodwind instruments.
On July 2, the class focused on violas and violins. Tonno told the children to focus on the music and that “music can remind us of things in life.”
After playing the Beethoven piece, Tonno asked the attentive audience what spring activities it reminded them of.
“A beautiful day outside,” one child said.
“Reminds me of riding scooters,” said another.
Children’s School learned about the cello from three MFSO students last Wednesday. Emily Camras taught the kids a song to remember the notes for each string on the instrument, ADGC.
“Ants, ants, ants digging in the dirt, dirt, dirt, digging under ground, ground, ground all the way to China, China, China,” Camras sang as she plucked the strings.
Camras played Robert Schumann’s “The Two Grenadiers,” a march that features part of the French national anthem. She played the tune a couple times, and the children marched to the rhythm.
The group of 6-year-olds tried to guess how old each cello was. Miles Boyd had great guesses for the instruments’ ages, but he was disappointed when Camras said hers was only 9 years old.
“It really looked like it was going to be 38,” Miles said.
Miles said he wants to learn how to play different instruments, including the ukulele, guitar, violin and drums, but he liked hearing the cellists play.
“I like how each song they did was different notes,” Miles said.
Camras enjoyed teaching the children about the cello and said they asked great questions.
“I love being able to share music with young kids,” Camras said. “They’re so engaged and want to learn.”