The Diamond Hoppers and The Jamestown Tarp Skunks line up and stand for the national anthem before their exhibition game on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The Jamestown Tarp Skunks’ Ian Korn drops a throw to him while playing with kids after their exhibition game with The Diamond Hoppers on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The scoreboard at Sharpe Field displays the final score, 16 to 8, after the exhibition game between The Diamond Hoppers and The Jamestown Tarpskunks on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Harrison Cornelius hits a pitch from The Jamestown Tarp Skunks while kids played after the exhibition game between the Tarp Skunks and The Diamond Hoppers on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The Diamond Hoppers and The Jamestown Tarpskunks shake hands after their exhibition game in which the Hoppers won 6 to 0 on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The Diamond Hoppers’ Nate Chubb fields a ball and runs torwards first base to get the final out agaisnt The Jamestown Tarpskunks during their exhibition game on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The Diamond Hoppers’ Steve Adkins throws a ball to the infeild during their exhibition game against The Jamestown Tarp Skunks on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The Diamond Hoppers’ Elliot Alexander rounds third base during the first inning of their exhibition game against The Jamestown Tarp Skunks on July 14, 2022 at Sharpe Field. SEAN SMITH/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER