59th Chautauqua Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art closes. Strohl Art Center Main Gallery
7:00 (7 – 11) Farmers Market
7:15 (7:15–8) Mystic Heart Meditation: Spiritual Practices of World Religions. Leader: Michael O’Sullivan (Zen Buddhism). Donation. Bring gate pass. Main Gate Welcome Center Conference Room
7:45 Episcopal Holy Eucharist. Chapel of the Good Shepherd
8:00 Daily Word Meditation. (Sponsored by Unity of Chautauqua.) Hall of Missions
8:45 Catholic Mass. Chapel of the Good Shepherd
8:55 (8:55–9) Chautauqua Prays For Peace Through Compassion. Hall of Missions Grove
9:00 Monday Morning Coffee Hour. (Programmed by the CLSC Alumni Association.) Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall porch
9:15 MORNING WORSHIP. “God’s Revolution and Your Responsibility.” The Rev. Tony Campolo, founder and president, Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education. Amphitheater
9:15 Jewish Discussions. (Programmed by Chabad Jewish House). “Everyday Ethics” Rabbi Zalman Vilenkin. Zigdon Chabad Jewish House
10:00 Voice Master Class. (School of Music.) John Fisher. Suggested fee. McKnight Hall
10:15 Service of Blessing and Healing. UCC Chapel
10:45 LECTURE. “Death from the Skies!” Phil Plait, creator, Slate’s “Bad Astronomy” blog. Amphitheater
10:45 Story Time. Stories prepared for 6-year olds. Smith Memorial Library
12:10 Catholic Mass. Chapel of the Good Shepherd
12:15 Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle Mini-Reviews and Book Discussions. The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. Reviewed by Bijou Clinger. Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall porch
12:15 Brown Bag. (Sponsored by the Ecumenical Community of Chautauqua.) UCC Chapel
12:15 Knitting4Peace. (Sponsored by the Department of Religion.) Hall of Missions
12:45 Chautauqua Street Light Modernization Project. John Dilley, chair, CPOA Outdoor Lighting Committee. Smith Wilkes Hall
1:00 Professional Women’s Network. (Programmed by Chautauqua Women’s Club.) “Teaching Science to Teenagers (& other informed adults).” Michele Curtis. CWC House
1:15 Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle Book Discussion. The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. Jeffrey Miller, CLSC activities coordinator, moderator. Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall Garden Room
1:15 Opera Master Class. (Programmed by the Chautauqua Opera Guild.) Mikael Eliasen. Fletcher Music Hall
1:15 Docent Tours. (Programmed by the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle Alumni Association.) Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall and Pioneer Hall
2:00 INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES. “Profound and Staggering: The Potential Impact of the Discovery of Planets around Other Stars on Religion.” David Weintraub, author, Religions and Extraterrestrial Life: How Will We Deal with It? Hall of Philosophy (simulcast in Hall of Christ)
2:00 Piano Master Class. (School of Music.) John Milbauer and Nicola Melville. Suggested fee. Sherwood-Marsh Studios
2:00 Public Shuttle Tours of Grounds. Fee. (Purchase tickets at Main Gate Welcome Center.) Leave from Main Gate Welcome Center
2:15 Public Shuttle Tours of Grounds. Fee. (Purchase tickets at Main Gate Welcome Center.) Leave from Main Gate Welcome Center
2:30 (2:30–5) Mah Jongg. (Programmed by the Chautauqua Women’s Club.) Memberships available at the door. CWC House
3:10 (3:10–4) Art of Investing. Discussion group. All are welcome. Smith Memorial Library
3:30 Seminar. (Programmed by the Department of Religion) “Courageous Conversations on Death and Dying: The Time is Now.” Shahid Aziz, M.D. Presbyterian House Chapel
3:30 Seminar. (Programmed by the Department of Religion.) “Islam 101: Being Muslim in America.” Sabeeha and Khalid Rehman. Hall of Missions
3:30 Chautauqua Heritage Lecture Series. “George III: Royal Founding Father?” Stanley Weintraub, professor emeritus, Penn State University. Hall of Philosophy
3:30 (3:30–4:45) Lecture. (Programmed by the Everett Jewish Life Center.) “What Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Teaches Us About Lincoln’s Worldview — and Our Own.” Yossi Prager, executive director for North America, Avi Chai Foundation. Everett Jewish Life Center at Chautauqua
3:30 Dance Lecture/Demonstration. (Programmed by the Chautauqua Dance Circle.) “The Perfect Partner.” Josh Hall and Sarah Hayes Harkins, Charlotte Ballet. Hall of Christ
4:00 Public Shuttle Tours of Grounds. Fee. (Purchase tickets at Main Gate Welcome Center.) Leave from Main Gate Welcome Center
4:00 Chamber Music. Chautauqua Quartet. (All seats are available on a first-come basis. No seats may be saved.) Elizabeth S. Lenna Hall
4:00 APYA Hot Topic Discussion. (Programmed by the Abrahamic Program for Young Adults.) “A Transplanted Faith: When Religion Meets Unexpected Life.” For young adults ages 16–22. Methodist House porch
4:15 (4:15–5:15) Monarch Moments. (Programmed by the Bird, Tree & Garden Club.) “Landscape Design for Monarchs.” Betsy Burgeson and Lynda Acker. Youth welcome. Smith Wilkes Hall
6:30 Lake Walk. (Programmed by the Bird, Tree & Garden Club with the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy.) “Let It Grow!” John Jablonski and Becky Nystrom. Heinz Beach
7:00 Palestine Park Program. “A Journey Through Biblical Times.” Palestine Park
7:00 (7–8:30) Friends on the Porch. (Programmed by the Chautauqua Women’s Club.) CWC House
7:00 Youth Game Night. Bring a favorite board game. Hultquist Center
7:15 (7:15–7:45) Taizé and Tea. Meditative Worship. Randell Chapel at UCC Headquarters
8:15 MUSIC SCHOOL FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA. Timothy Muffitt, conductor. Louis Lohraseb, 2016 David Effron Conducting Fellow.
• World Premiere
Annie Gosfield
• Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes, op. 33a
Benjamin Britten
• Symphony No. 7 in D minor, B. 141, op. 70
Antonín Dvořák
7:00 (7 – 11) Farmers Market
7:15 (7:15–8) Mystic Heart Meditation: Spiritual Practices of World Religions. Leader: Michael O’Sullivan (Zen Buddhism). Donation. Bring gate pass. Main Gate Welcome Center Conference Room
7:30 Bird Talk & Walk. (Programmed by the Bird, Tree & Garden Club.) Guided walk. Rain or shine. Bring binoculars. Meet at Smith Wilkes Hall entrance
7:45 Episcopal Holy Eucharist. Chapel of the Good Shepherd
8:00 Daily Word Meditation. (Sponsored by Unity of Chautauqua.) Hall of Missions
8:45 Catholic Mass. Chapel of the Good Shepherd
8:55 (8:55–9) Chautauqua Prays For Peace Through Compassion. Hall of Missions Grove
9:15 MORNING WORSHIP. “Labeled by God.” The Rev. Tony Campolo, founder and president, Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education. Amphitheater
9:15 Jewish Discussions. (Programmed by Chabad Jewish House). “Maimonides: Guide for the Perplexed.” Rabbi Zalman Vilenkin. Zigdon Chabad Jewish House
10:15 Service of Blessing and Healing. UCC Chapel
10:45 LECTURE. Charles C. Mann, historian, science journalist; author, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. Amphitheater
10:45 Story Time. Stories prepared for 3-year-olds. Smith Memorial Library
12:10 Catholic Mass. Chapel of the Good Shepherd
12:15 Tallman Tracker Organ Mini-Concert. “Grudge Match: Bach vs. Handel.” Jared Jacobsen, organist. Hall of Christ
12:15 Brown Bag Lecture. (Programmed by the Bird, Tree & Garden Club.) “Music of the Birds.” Lang Elliot, nature recordist. Smith Wilkes Hall
12:15 Brown Bag Lecture. (Programmed by the Writers’ Center.) “The Expanding World of Online Journals.” Gregory Donovan. Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall porch
12:15 Brown Bag Lecture. (Programmed by the Everett Jewish Life Center.) “Applied Jewish Wisdom: Jewish Values in Charitable Giving.” Yossi Prager, executive director for North America, Avi Chai Foundation. Everett Jewish Life Center at Chautauqua
12:15 LGBT & Friends Brown Bag. “Creating A Spirituality That Transcends the Rational Mind.” (Sponsored by the Metropolitan Community Church.) Literary Arts Center Garden Room
12:30 (12:30–1:55) Mystic Heart Meditation: Meditation Seminar. “Each Moment is the Universe.” Michael O’Sullivan (Zen Buddhism). Donation. Hall of Missions
1:00 (1–4) Duplicate Bridge. For men and women. (Programmed by the Chautauqua Women’s Club.) Fee. CWC House
1:00 Docent Tours. Meet at Fowler-Kellogg Art Center
1:00 (1-1:50) Informal Critique Session. (Programmed by Chautauqua Literary Arts Friends.) Bring five copies of one page of poetry or prose. Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall porch
1:00 (1–3) Mah Jongg. (Programmed by the Sports Club.) Sports Club
2:00 INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES. “Separation of Church and Space? How Religion Shapes Our Views of Space — and May Shape Our Cosmic Future.” Joshua Ambrosius, assistant professor of political science, University of Dayton. Hall of Philosophy (simulcast in Hall of Christ)
2:00 Public Shuttle Tours of Grounds. Fee. (Purchase tickets at Main Gate Welcome Center.) Leave from Main Gate Welcome Center
2:15 Public Shuttle Tours of Grounds. Fee. (Purchase tickets at Main Gate Welcome Center.) Leave from Main Gate Welcome Center
3:15 Social Hour Denominational Houses
3:15 Hebrew Conversations and Refreshments. Everett Jewish Life Center at Chautauqua
3:30 Seminar. (Programmed by the Department of Religion.) “Islam 101: Being Muslim in America.” Sabeeha and Khalid Rehman. Hall of Missions
4:00 Guest Piano Faculty Master Class. (School of Music.) Alexander Gavrylyuk. Suggested fee. Sherwood-Marsh Studios
4:00 Conversations with Chairman of the Board. James A. Pardo Jr., chair. Main Gate Welcome Center Film Room
4:00 Public Shuttle Tours of Grounds. Fee. (Purchase tickets at Main Gate Welcome Center.) Leave from Main Gate Welcome Center
4:00 Behind-the-Scenes Tour. (Programmed by Chautauqua Dance Circle.) “New Spin on Dance.” Carnahan-Jackson Dance Studio
4:15 Garden Walk. (Programmed by the Bird, Tree & Garden Club.) Joe McMaster. Meet at the lake side (back) of Smith Wilkes Hall
4:30 Knitting4Peace Workshop. (Sponsored by the Department of Religion.) Methodist House porch
5:00 FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SERIES. “Family Friendly Opera Revue.” Chautauqua Opera. Smith Wilkes Hall
7:00 FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SERIES. “Family Friendly Opera Revue.” Chautauqua Opera. Smith Wilkes Hall
7:00 (7–8:30) Visual Arts Lecture Series. Jeff Spaulding, sculptor, American University. Hultquist Center
7:00 Bible Study. (Sponsored by the Department of Religion.) “Walking with Nehemiah.” The Rev. Carmen Perry, leader. United Methodist House
7:00 Introduction to the Labyrinth. (Sponsored by the Department of Religion.) Bring gate pass. Located adjacent to Turner Community Center
7:00 Motet Choir Rehearsal. Hall of Christ
7:30 Voice Opera Performance. (School of Music.) The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. John Giampietro, stage director. (Donations benefit the Chautauqua Women’s Club Scholarship Fund.) Fletcher Music Hall
8:00 APYA Porch Chat. (Programmed by the Abrahamic Program for Young Adults.) Joshua Ambrosius, special guest. For young adults ages 16–22. Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall porch
8:00 Outdoor Film Screening. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Costume contests at 8 p.m. Film begins at 9 p.m. Bestor Plaza
8:15 CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. “Into the Music Series No. 1: Bernstein on Broadway.” Rossen Milanov, conductor. (Community Appreciation Night.) Amphitheater
On the Town: Three Dance Episodes
Leonard Bernstein
West Side Story: Symphonic Dances
Leonard Bernstein
Candide: Overture
Leonard Bernstein
10:00 Musical Theater Revue. “Saturday at the Movies.” Chautauqua Opera Studio Artists. Elizabeth S. Lenna Hall