A new frontier: CLSC Class of 2020 to graduate on a virtual Recognition Day by Chris Clements on August 5, 2020
Pianist Christopher Taylor to perform “underplayed impromptus” in afternoon recital by Jamie Landers on August 5, 2020
Sir Ken Robinson, education expert, discusses the current state of American education and how system must foster diverse range of mindsets by Nick Danlag on August 5, 2020
‘Never the end:’ School of Music voice students to sing themes of hope and heartbreak in final recital by Jamie Landers on August 5, 2020
Setting high standards: Excellence in Education founder Jeb Bush to speak on education reform by Maggie Angevine on August 5, 2020
Former Atlanta superintendent Meria Carstarphen to speak on racism in public school system by Jamie Clarkson on August 5, 2020
Judy Beals from Harvard’s Religious Literacy Project calls for past and present context in religious education by Chloe Murdock on August 5, 2020
Linda K. Wertheimer to point to signs of hope in U.S. religious education by Chris Clements on August 5, 2020
Reconciled by faith, God calls us to family values of mission and responsibility, says Callahan by Mary Lee Talbot on August 5, 2020
CSO’s principal flautist, bassoonist and clarinetist to showcase the “last row” woodwinds in Week Six Into the Music by Jamie Landers on August 4, 2020
Institution to celebrate Old First Night, welcome fundraising match program by Jamie Clarkson on August 4, 2020
Artist Shervone Neckles to talk arts administration, education and the Caribbean for CVA Visiting Artist Lecture Series by Eleanor Bishop on August 4, 2020
Pilobolus dance company to screen footage from recent socially distant Five Senses Festival for Cocktails, Concerts and Conversations with Chautauqua Dance by Eleanor Bishop on August 4, 2020
History exhibitions featuring women topic of curator Leslie Przybylek’s talk by Deborah Trefts on August 4, 2020