In joyous collaboration, Buffalo Philharmonic to join Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra in Beethoven’s enduring Ninth by Gabriel Weber on June 29, 2024
Award-winning conductor Măcelaru returns for CSO performance of Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony by Nichole Jiang on July 28, 2021
The Building Blocks of Music: CSO, led by Stilian Kirov, moves to Beethoven’s middle period in Beethoven Festival concert by Justin Kelly on July 23, 2018
Aaron Berofsky to perform Mozart, Schumann and Beethoven in a violin recital by Rebecca Klar on August 10, 2017
Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra performs Shostakovich’s politically-laden Fifth Symphony by Philip de Oliveira on July 19, 2017
Guest Critic: With Beethoven’s Ninth, Milanov ‘emphasized the beauty of the music’ by Andrew Druckenbrod on July 2, 2017
Columbus Symphony Chorus joins Chautauqua Symphony for Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” by Philip de Oliveira on July 1, 2017