For BTG, Powdermill’s John Wenzel to Discuss Deciphering Flashes of Firefly Communication Methods by Julia Preszler on July 22, 2019
Bird, Tree & Garden Guide Terry Mosher to Combine Natural and Lyrical in ‘The Things Birds Do to Poets’ by Julia Preszler on July 10, 2019
McMaster, Baker Michalak, commence BTG’s Garden, Eco Garden Walk series by Casey McCarthy on June 25, 2018
Chautauqua’s 2018 House and Garden Tour to highlight Institution’s 100-year-old Arboretum by Alex Meyer on August 24, 2017
Final Bird, Tree & Garden Club Brown Bag lecture to focus on edible native plants by Alex Meyer on August 21, 2017
Bird, Tree & Garden Club will host a talk and demonstration on practical floral designs by Alex Meyer on August 14, 2017
Bees, butterflies and population conservation will be the focus of two BTG talks this week by Alex Meyer on August 6, 2017
Researcher Bill Evans to talk on watching bird migrations through microphones at BTG lecture by Alex Meyer on July 24, 2017
Chautauquans will experience butterflies hands-on at BTG’s ‘Monarchpalooza’ by Alex Meyer on July 12, 2017