Writers-in-residence Julia Spicher Kasdorf and Kim Todd look to revision and experimentation by Ryan Pait on August 4, 2017
Week Six’s poet-in-residence Mary McLaughlin Slechta to discuss retirement and writing life with Brown Bag lecture by Ryan Pait on July 31, 2017
Chautauqua Writers’ Center has full house for Week Six with Mary McLaughlin Slechta, Linda K. Wertheimer, Ken Sherman and Philip Gerard by Ryan Pait on July 28, 2017
Week Five’s prose writer-in-residence John Thompson to talk imagination and literacy with Brown Bag lecture by Ryan Pait on July 27, 2017
Week Five’s poet-in-residence Todd Davis takes his audience to the Appalachians with Brown Bag lecture by Ryan Pait on July 24, 2017
Writers-in-residence Todd Davis and John Thompson look at dreams and writing across generations with Week Five workshops by Ryan Pait on July 21, 2017
Week Four’s prose writer-in-residence Kevin Haworth to talk creating effective settings with Brown Bag lecture by Ryan Pait on July 20, 2017
Week Four’s poet-in-residence Philip Brady looks at life before the alphabet with Brown Bag lecture by Ryan Pait on July 17, 2017
Writers-in-residence Philip Brady and Kevin Haworth look at the concept of time for Week Four workshops by Ryan Pait on July 14, 2017
Writers-in-residence Marjorie Maddox and Jonathan Eig lead workshops on brevity, permission by Ryan Pait on July 7, 2017
Week Two’s prose writer-in-residence Ashley Mace Havird explores questions of genre with Brown Bag lecture by Ryan Pait on July 6, 2017