Co-founder of The 19th Errin Haines explores the role of journalism in politics, race and gender. by Maggie Angevine on July 30, 2020
Carol Jenkins, Co-President and CEO of the ERA Coalition and the Fund for Women’s Equality, To Talk About The Long History of The Equal Rights Amendment and Why It Must Be Ratified by Nick Danlag on July 30, 2020
Errin Haines, co-founder of The 19th, To Discuss Journalism During A Time Of “Dual Pandemics Of COVID-19 And Racism” and Intersections Between Gender and Politics by Nick Danlag on July 29, 2020
Woman’s Hour author Elaine Weiss presents on turbulent history of women’s suffrage by Jamie Clarkson on July 28, 2020
Kimberly Churches to emphasize ‘action over words’ in role of closing equity gaps in the United States by Jamie Landers on July 28, 2020