Tree of Life Rabbi Hazzan Myers opens week with story of congregation’s resiliency following trauma of mass shooting by Max Zambrano on August 25, 2021
University Hospitals’ Adan charts course of resilience, from self-care to compassion by Nick Danlag on August 25, 2021
Dorhauer: Recreate church in image of God, who shows no partiality by Mary Lee Talbot on August 25, 2021
‘Get Up and Go On — Together’: Preacher, author Bass returns to Chautauqua to close interfaith season, ‘resilience’ theme by Max Zambrano on August 25, 2021
Editor of ‘400 Souls’ Blain to discuss resilience in face of racism by Nick Danlag on August 25, 2021
In Brown Bag, writer-in-residence Mao to cover how speculative fiction fits into poetry by Sarah Vest on August 24, 2021
University Hospitals officer Adan shares ideas, tools for resilience by Sarah Vest on August 24, 2021
Choose little toil of love to make world a place for all to live, Dorhauer says by Mary Lee Talbot on August 24, 2021
Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Rabbi Hazzan Myers, survivor of ‘18 synagogue shooting, to open Interfaith Lecture Series approach to resilience theme by Max Zambrano on August 23, 2021
Justice is central characteristic of Living God, those who worship God, Dorhauer says by Mary Lee Talbot on August 23, 2021
Writers-in-residence Cooley, Mao to explore peculiarities of writing process by Sarah Vest on August 22, 2021
UCC President Dorhauer to reflect on human identity in Week Nine sermon series by Mary Lee Talbot on August 22, 2021
Satpal Singh explores Sikhism creation and how to honor humans’ shared divine light on last Interfaith Friday by Chloe Murdock on August 30, 2020