Chua explores political tribalism at center of nation’s polarizing divide by Maggie Prosser on July 6, 2018
Amy Chua to close week examining political tribalism and identity politics by Justin Kelly on July 5, 2018
Fallowses talk America’s ‘becomingness’ in Independence Day lecture by Maggie Prosser on July 4, 2018
Who is the ‘we’ in ‘We the People’? Cobb examines ‘fundamental divide’ of racism in defining identity by Maggie Prosser on July 3, 2018
‘Our Towns’ authors Fallowses to examine nation’s ideals in context of current climate by Maggie Prosser on July 3, 2018
‘New Yorker’ staffer Cobb to examine intersection of race, social justice by Joseph Cooke on July 2, 2018
Caragol to open Week 2 with look at portraiture as framework for identity by Emma Francois on July 1, 2018