Bishop Gene Robinson to discuss how Supreme Court influences morals of secular society by Delaney Van Wey on July 25, 2017
Leslie Connor’s ‘All Rise’ shows children the gray area in the legal world by Rebecca Klar on July 25, 2017
National Constitution Center’s Jeffrey Rosen says consider both sides of constitutional questions by Dara McBride on July 25, 2017
Tracing rise of the Supreme Court’s power, Annette Gordon-Reed makes case for citizen engagement by Brian Contreras on July 25, 2017
Chautauqua Conversations: Foundation board chair Cathy Bonner talks Amp, Bellinger Hall and future by John Ford on July 25, 2017
Jim and Kathy Pender sponsor Rhythmic Circus in honor of their late son Michael by Meaghan Wilby on July 25, 2017
Paul Raushenbush discusses great-grandfathers’ ‘inner vision’ that carried work forward by Kelly Powell on July 25, 2017
Artist Sharon Louden discusses new book, ‘The Artist as Culture Producer’ by Adrianna Jereb on July 25, 2017
Jared Jacobsen to honor Scandinavian composer on the Massey Organ by Delaney Van Wey on July 25, 2017
Opening reception of Seth Clark’s ‘Barnscapes’ focuses on rural ruins by Adrianna Jereb on July 25, 2017
Former judge Judith Claire talks about common family court matters by Deborah Trefts on July 25, 2017
Mikael Eliasen seeks to open a conversation about immigration through a student voice concert by Rebecca Klar on July 25, 2017
LGBTQ Friends and Community sponsor Reverend Gene Robinson’s Interfaith Lecture by Meaghan Wilby on July 25, 2017
Morning Worship: Truth telling can be ‘sufficient curse’ to polarization, demonization by Mary Lee Talbot on July 25, 2017