Authors Jane Hamilton and Ann Patchett to talk food, families with shared CLSC presentation by Ryan Pait on August 23, 2017
Hindu scholar Vasudha Narayanan to discuss how food brings people and God closer together by Delaney Van Wey on August 23, 2017
Guest Critic: CSO and Augustin Hadelich give ‘dazzling’ interpretation of classic program by John Chacona on August 23, 2017
Theater artists start ‘Agent 355’ project at Chautauqua as part of Marion Fellowship by Dara McBride on August 23, 2017
Jim and Susan Budros sponsor the Joey Alexander Trio in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary by Meaghan Wilby on August 23, 2017
Morning Worship: To be great, stay connected to God, Chaplain Cook says by Mary Lee Talbot on August 23, 2017
Rabbi Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus explains food as way of relating to others by Kelly Powell on August 23, 2017
Commentary: The divergent family stories of Jane Hamilton’s ‘The Excellent Lombards’ and Ann Patchett’s ‘Commonwealth’ by Ryan Pait on August 23, 2017