ASU professor Braden Allenby to discuss conspiracy theories, free speech in Lincoln Applied Ethics Lecture Series by Jamie Clarkson on August 17, 2020
Lisa Sharon Harper, founder of Freedom Road, to dispute evangelical narratives, Shalom in Interfaith Friday by Jamie Landers on July 24, 2020
Harvard philosopher Michael Sandel to finish Week Four with live Socratic discussion on digital responsibility in tech. by Eleanor Bishop on July 24, 2020
Noreen Herzfeld to examine the ‘morality of technology’ in Interfaith lecture by Jamie Landers on July 23, 2020
University of Virginia professor Deborah G. Johnson to talk on deepfakes, election misinformation by Jamie Clarkson on July 23, 2020
Avett Brother bassist Bob Crawford joins Bishop Gene Robinson for a conversation on ‘Faith on Stage’ by Sara Toth on July 22, 2020
Carnegie Mellon University scholars to join panel on ethics and tech by Jamie Clarkson on July 22, 2020
Affectiva CEO Rana el Kaliouby to discuss ethics of artificial intelligence, burgeoning field of “Emotion AI” by Laura Philion on July 21, 2020
Jason Thacker to probe artificial intelligence’s imbalance with human safety and privacy in lecture by Chloe Murdock on July 21, 2020
Duquesne University professor Gerard Magill to speak on imagination’s role in ethics by Jamie Clarkson on July 20, 2020
Nicholas Thompson to showcase the history of tech and the debates swirling around it by Chris Clements on July 20, 2020
Braden Allenby to Discuss Representative Democracy in Lincoln Ethics Series by Marianna Moore on August 11, 2019
ASU’s Jason Robert to Give Lincoln Lecture on Storytelling & Narrative Ethics by Marianna Moore on July 21, 2019
Volker Benkert to deliver final lecture in Lincoln Applied Ethics Series on memory by Matthew Steinberg on August 12, 2018