Final Virtual Opera Invasion takes Chautauquans on a trip through the Institution for grand finale by Eleanor Bishop on August 21, 2020
Opera Behind the Scenes: Technical Direction to dive into the company’s many moving parts by Eleanor Bishop on August 6, 2020
Visiting artist Raehann Bryce-Davis to appear in Opera’s Cocktails, Concerts and Conversations by Eleanor Bishop on July 6, 2020
In 2020, Chautauqua Opera to celebrate centennial of women’s right to vote by Tina Giuliano on August 23, 2019
Chautauqua Opera Presents Latest Opera Invasion, ‘So You Think You’re Louder Than an Opera Singer?’ by Tina Giuliano on July 28, 2019
Trilogy Weekend: Chautauqua Opera Opens Beaumarchais Festival with ‘Barbiere’ by Tina Giuliano on July 24, 2019
Chautauqua Opera to Open First-Ever Beaumarchais Trilogy Festival This Week by Tina Giuliano on July 20, 2019
Annual Young Artist Sing-in Helps Celebrate the Chautauqua Opera Company’s 90th Year by Tina Giuliano on June 21, 2019
‘Amazing moment of disorientation’: Chauquans react to Chautauqua Opera Company’s production of ‘As One’ by Georgia Davis on August 10, 2018
Chautauqua Opera to present three operas on three consecutive nights in 2019 season by Georgia Davis on August 8, 2018
Chautauqua Opera Guild to raise money for Chautauqua Opera Company with concert by Georgia Davis on August 7, 2018
Chautauqua Opera Company to bring most-produced contemporary American opera ‘As One’ to Norton Hall by Georgia Davis on August 6, 2018
Chautauqua Opera Company to perform with Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra for ‘Pops Concert’ by Georgia Davis on August 3, 2018