Presidential historian Jon Meacham to speak on the endurance of the Constitution, closing Chautauqua’s Week 8 by Maggie Angevine on August 21, 2020
New York Times Magazine’s Emily Bazelon discusses how voting was laid out by the Founding Fathers, and how the pandemic and voting suppression may affect the 2020 election by Nick Danlag on August 21, 2020
Cato Institute’s Robert Levy explores how libertarians agree and disagree liberals and conservatives on the role of the federal government by Nick Danlag on August 20, 2020
Hopkins scholar Martha Jones discusses history of voter suppression before and after ratification of 19th Amendment by Nick Danlag on August 19, 2020
Cato Institute Chairman Robert A. Levy to discuss the founding fathers’ vision of limited government for Week Eight Lecture by Eleanor Bishop on August 19, 2020
National Constitution Center’s Jeffrey Rosen opens week on ‘Reframing the Constitution’ by tracing founders’ ideals to present day by Nick Danlag on August 18, 2020