Former Lutheran minister and leadership coach John Scherer to discuss intersection of work and spiritual identity by Julie Ciotola on July 31, 2018
Cathrael Kazin discusses need for new college model as traditional model fails students by Maggie Prosser on July 31, 2018
Joan Chittister illustrates how mastering humility could save America by Jamie Landers on July 31, 2018
Cathrael Kazin to discuss future of education and its implications for the future of work by Maggie Prosser on July 30, 2018
Arun Sundararajan talks crowd-based capitalism, changing nature of work by Maggie Prosser on July 30, 2018
Award-winning author and journalist Maggie Jackson will discuss engaging in provocative conversation in an isolated age by Julie Ciotola on July 30, 2018
Benedictine Sister and women’s rights activist Joan Chittister will lecture on finding spirituality and meaning through relationships by Julie Ciotola on July 29, 2018
Arun Sundararajan to lecture on America’s economic shift to technology by Julie Ciotola on July 29, 2018
Grant Thornton International sponsors Chautauqua programming for third year in a row by Matthew Steinberg on July 29, 2018
Rev. Skye Jethani to preach from intersection of culture, faith as Week Six chaplain by Mary Lee Talbot on July 28, 2018
Allison Joseph, Jess Row to lead Week Six Writers’ Center workshops on global poetry, fiction beyond cultural divides by Emma Francois on July 27, 2018
Family Scholarship recipients Miles and Carrie Woodfield reflect on first Chautauqua visit by Amber Tong on August 11, 2017
Journey Gunderson and Gregory L. Peterson talk ‘the best of human comedy’ by Kelly Powell on August 6, 2017
Kelly Carlin, Stephen J. Morrison and Kliph Nesteroff explore the human in the humor by Brian Contreras on August 4, 2017