Harper: Time is God’s holy gift to use wisely, share with others by Mary Lee Talbot on August 22, 2021
What happens when we die? Near-death-experience expert Greyson shares 50 years of research by Max Zambrano on August 19, 2021
Neuroscientist Marlin explores how trauma can impact brain structures of future offspring by Nick Danlag on August 19, 2021
Sphinx Artists, with mission grounded in representation, bring chamber music to Amp by Nichole Jiang on August 19, 2021
‘What it means to disappear’: CLSC author Harper to talk counternarratives for people with dementia, Alzheimer’s by Sarah Vest on August 19, 2021
In lecture set to be streamed into Amp, Duke professor of law, philosophy Farahany to examine ethical implications of neurotech developments by Sarah Vest on August 19, 2021
Ornstein, Leifman, Insel discuss depth of mental health crisis in U.S., ways forward by Nick Danlag on August 18, 2021
Impossible is possible: Black Violin to return to Chautauqua with high-energy fusion of hip-hop, classical music by Nichole Jiang on August 18, 2021
Fuller Seminary’s Murphy to discuss history of soul in Christianity by Max Zambrano on August 18, 2021
Neuroscientist Marlin to give lecture on how trauma in parents can be passed on through DNA to children by Nichole Jiang on August 18, 2021
Set aside immaturity to feast at Wisdom’s table, says Harper in sermon: ‘Lean in and listen’ by Mary Lee Talbot on August 18, 2021
Supreme story: ‘Thurgood’ illustrates parts of history left out of classroom by David Kwiatkowski on August 17, 2021
Poet-in-residence Lucas to discuss embracing poetry in everyday life in virtual Brown Bag by Sarah Vest on August 17, 2021