Former diplomat William J. Burns detangles U.S.-Russia relationship and offers insight to future and Helsinki summit by Maggie Prosser on July 17, 2018
Ori Z. Soltes examines the evolution of religion in ‘godless Russia’ by Jamie Landers on July 17, 2018
Chief Brand Officer Emily Morris to discuss the power of moments in developing affinity for Chautauqua by Deborah Trefts on July 17, 2018
CTC conservatory actors find common ground between ‘Airness’ and ‘As You Like It’ by Kevin C. Vestal on July 17, 2018
Emma Griffin teaches Chautauqua Opera Young Artists the art of performing by Georgia Davis on July 17, 2018
At general meeting, CPOA leadership talks new light fixtures, strategic plan by Lexie Erdos on July 17, 2018
Van Cliburn Gold Medalist Alexander Kobrin to play Chopin’s rarely-performed first piano sonata by Flora Junhua Deng on July 17, 2018
Chautauqua Literary Arts Friends’ annual Pinsky Favorite Poem Project celebrates 10th anniversary by Emma Francois on July 17, 2018
CLSC Young Readers will explore “identity” through reading Anne Nesbet’s ‘Cloud and Wallfish’ by Flora Junhua Deng on July 17, 2018